IBM UI Development Framework: w3DS
I led the VSA Partners team that designed the w3DS Design System (w3DS). w3DS is a user interface framework for internal IBM teams to rapidly develop responsive sites and apps. It was a precursor to IBM’s Carbon UI project.
w3DS dovetailed with a kaleidoscope of internal resources and legacy systems inside IBM which made the project a fascinating, brain-burning challenge.
Our sprint cycles were at two week intervals. Here’s an example of a presentation my team and I gave to the client which gives a better sense of how the team operated.

IBM Intranet Design: yourIBM
IBM often asked my team to take on the complex projects that were too difficult to coordinate internally.
YourIBM was an example. We were asked to consolidate a number of internal IBM services platforms: news services, project management, talent resourcing and performance management. These systems together were to be called yourIBM.
After the system was in place and functioning, we developed a set of living guidelines to help developers as they continued to extend the scope of the new platform.
Nielsen Norman Group awarded the IBM Intranet with their “Best Intranet” award in 2017.